Una pandemia no apta para niños. La vivienda en México como lugar de confinamiento





Housing, Confinement, Children, Perception, Well-being, Health


The new condition of the real due to the COVID-19 pandemic has placed people around the world in confinement as a protection measure, and once again put the focus on housing, a place that must not only be able to contain bodies, but also to nurture them, because it is a determining link in the representation of the individual. In the case of children, the physical and symbolic conditions of the home can interfere in the development of a healthy life.

A semi-structured interview was applied to a group of children from 5 to 12 years of age in Mexico; particularities influenced by the characteristics of the dwelling, and the relationship with changes in their well-being were questioned. The children interviewed were affected by their physical state, mood and relationships with the people around them, and the objects at their disposal.

Therefore, a space with deficiencies in different senses is a flagrant discourse of the impoverishment of the sensory niche for the child and will be molding their corporeal and intangible part, thus leaving written in their biological and historical memory the conditions in which their environment is found, altering the representation of themselves and therefore their health.


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How to Cite

Hernández Pérez, K. S. (2022). Una pandemia no apta para niños. La vivienda en México como lugar de confinamiento. MADGU. Mundo, Arquitectura, Diseño Gráfico Y Urbanismo, 5(10), 33. https://doi.org/10.36800/madgu.v6i10.87


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